Digital Collection

The McCrossin’s Mill Museum Digital Collection is an online catalogue, library and resource for virtual visitors to our museum website. The Collection Management team are constantly adding and updating the collection which contains objects and artefacts that are on display in permanent exhibitions and others that have been archived.

Presently there are more than 800 objects available for viewing with varying information including old photos, letters, clothing, indigenous artefacts, machinery and much more.

Please take the time to explore our ehive collection

PDF Library

UHS-Heritage Life and Death of A Flour Mill – PDFArchaeological Historical Archaeology 1, 1983. Goodwin.
UHS-HeritageChaff Shed Restoration -PDFUrban Affairs and Planning Library 1991
ThunderboltThey Came to Thunderbolt Country -PDFChapter: Grand Openings pg 68-95. Ben Smith.
Uralla Railway and more..
IndigenousAboriginal Sites -PDFAboriginal cultural heritage sites across the Border Rivers and Gwydir catchments.
Joss HouseThe Most Beautiful Joss House -PDFChinese Southern Diaspora Studies, Volume Eight, 2019


Open 7 Days  – 10am – 4pm

Please check by calling the museum or the Uralla Visitor Information Centre Ph: 02 6778 6420, if you are travelling from afar.

Salisbury Street

Uralla, NSW. 2358

PH: 02 6778 3022



Admission Fee

Adults $7.00

Concession: $5.00

Children: $3.00

Family $15.00

Annual Membership

This entitles you to free entry whenever we are open

Family: $25.00

Individual: $15.00

To join the Uralla Historical Sociey as a member, call in at the museum, phone us on 02 6779 3022 or email us at

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