The exhibitions in both the Mill and the Chaff Shed have been designed so as not to compromise the rugged qualities of the beautifully restored buildings, which are our special and enduring “Exhibit A”.
At the very outset of making a museum within these structures, we adopted an empathic approach. Consequently our exhibitions have an appealing, emotive character, encouraging our audience not to just linger and look but to ponder as well. This Museum has a personality all its very own, but you’re very welcome to share it. You can only really experience this endearing connection by a visit to our museum, but the links below may well whet your appetite…..
Your Welcome to visit any day of the week!

Sunny Jim Mackay: Best Batsman in the World
Sunny Jim Mackay”, a new exhibition curated by Kent Mayo tells the amazing and tragic story of this Uralla resident and it is astonishing…….

Death of Thunderbolt: Painting Series
by Phillip Pomroy
This series of nine paintings capture the alleged events of Fred Ward’s last day. It is the afternoon…..

Thunderbolt: Life and Legend
The Museum houses the definitive collection of artefacts connected with the legendary bushranger, Captain Thunderbolt, Fred Ward……

E. H. Barnden Collection: The Tin Man
The Depression of the early 1930’s, people came up with ways of amusing themselves and lifting their spirits. Ernest Henry Barnden used the kitchen table in the family’s slab cottage as a workbench…….

A Dark Red Rose: Corporal Cecil Stoker
In the fireplace, covered with soot and rubbish, was a rusty tin trunk. Of course they pulled it out. Of course they opened it. That’s when the story ceased being funny.. inside was another trunk, in pristine condition. Of course they opened it. Inside was a veritable “treasure trove”……..

New Gold Mountain: The Chinese at Rocky River
Chinese artefacts from the Tingha Joss House were purchased by the Society in 1983. The original exhibition, called New Gold Mountain – Chinese at Rocky River…..

Tribute to the Anaiwan
This rich collection of indigenous artefacts is supplemented by a night scene diorama presenting the pre-contact existence of the local Anaiwan people………

Trickett’s Triumph
On the 27th June, 1876, Edward Trickett became Australia’s first International Sporting Champion, when he defeated Henry Sadler of England on the River Thames for the World’s Champion Sculler trophy…..

It’s Just Not Cricket
This Exhibition is a classic example of why curators should not consume copious quantities of red wine when planning an exhibition. Then again, perhaps they should……

Digital Collection Library:
For use as an online catalog, library and resource for virtual visitors to our Museum.

The Chaff Shed
An exciting and large collection of eclectic artefacts.

Spaces Make Lace
The Janice Jones Collection