
  • A Dark Red Rose: Cecil Stoker

    This collection proves that it’s quite okay for a museum to steal important things for the benefit of itself and to the public, a principle espoused for centuries by such…

  • It’s Just Not Cricket

    This is a classic example of why curators should not consume copious quantities of red wine when planning an exhibition. Then again, perhaps they should. “Bizarre! That is the funniest…

  • Trickett’s Triumph

    Australia’s first World Sports Champion. On display in McCrossin’s Mill Museum is a superb marble obelisk, which was installed on the grave of Edward Trickett, an elderly gentleman who had…

  • New Gold Mountain

    The Chinese At Rocky River The Chinese artefacts from the Tingha Joss House were purchased by the Society in 1983. The original exhibition, called New Gold Mountain – Chinese at…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Tribute to the Anaiwan

    Tribute to the Anaiwan

    Indigenous Collection This rich collection of local indigenous artefacts is supplemented by a night scene diorama presenting the pre-contact existence of the Traditional Anaiwan People.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Thunderbolt Life and Legend

    Thunderbolt Life and Legend

    McCrossin’s Mill Museum houses the definitive collection of artefacts connected with the legendary Gentleman Bushranger, Fred Ward aka Captain Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt … Life and Legend exhibition was designed by Peter…


Open 7 Days  – 10am – 4pm

Please check by calling the museum or the Uralla Visitor Information Centre Ph: 02 6778 6420, if you are travelling from afar.

Salisbury Street

Uralla, NSW. 2358

PH: 02 6778 3022



Admission Fee

Adults $7.00

Concession: $5.00

Children: $3.00

Family $15.00

Annual Membership

This entitles you to free entry whenever we are open

Family: $25.00

Individual: $15.00

To join the Uralla Historical Sociey as a member, call in at the museum, phone us on 02 6779 3022 or email us at

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